Once you’ve learned crochet, you can freely use wool to knit various beautiful handmade knitted items to decorate your home. It’s not only beautiful but also therapeutic, creating the warmth and romance of home life with a calm heart. This knitting note shares this beautiful sunflower curtain tie-back, which is crocheted by combining two different forms of sunflower flowers. The knitting (color matching) is bright, and the petals are three-dimensional and unique, making it very likable.
Double-layer Sunflower (Knitting) Note
R2: Insert (fine wire) along both sides of each petal’s (stem) to crochet ?X, T, 3F, T, X for the petal tip: the same stitch ?[X (1Ch dogtooth stitch) X] mirror (symmetrical): ?X, T, 3F, T, X skip R1 one stitch, 1 slip stitch transition… Repeat 18 times for the second layer petals.
For R1: Start with 10Ch (turn back 2) 9X (downward) skip one ‘outer half stitch’ then slip stitch twice in sequence… Repeat 18 times. Note: Each (petal stem) occupies 3 ‘outer half stitches’ on the (flower core) stitch.
R2: Insert (fine wire) along both sides of each petal’s (stem) to crochet ?X, T, 5F, T, X for the petal tip: the same stitch ?[X (1Ch dogtooth stitch) X] mirror (symmetrical): ?X, T, 5F, T, X skip R1 one stitch, 1 slip stitch transition… Repeat 18 times.
Leaf explanation: Shaped like a ?, requires crocheting for 3 rounds, to set the shape nicely, insert (fine wire) on (the 1st and 3rd rounds) for crocheting, additionally, start and end correspond to 3Ch slip stitch on (the same stitch).
Edge binding (starting stitch): Start with 21Ch (turn back 4) and crochet R1: Add (fine wire) ?EV, 8E, 3F, 3T, 2X for the leaf tip: the same stitch ?W mirror (symmetrical): ?2X, 3T, 3F, 8E, [EV (3Ch) Sl] R2: ?3Ch, [X+T], [F+E], 8E, 4F, 3T, 2X for the leaf tip: the same stitch ?W mirror (symmetrical): ?2X, 3T, 4F, 8E, [E+F], [T+X], (3Ch) Sl R3: Add (fine wire) ?3Ch, V, TV, FV, 9F, 5T, 5X for the leaf tip: the same stitch ?[X, X (1Ch dogtooth stitch), X] mirror (symmetrical): ?5X, 5T, 9F, FV, TV, V, (3Ch) Sl Wrap (wire to the end) then cut the thread and tie a knot.
Sunflower flower heart (brown + yellow) *2 R1: 6X R2: 6V R3: (X+V)*6 R4: (2X+V)*6 R5: (3X+V)*6 R6: (no increase or decrease) 30X (do not cut the thread) Petals (yellow) Join (flower core) 2 pieces (back to back) with brown thread, crochet and fill while joining (cut the thread), then crochet (petals) with yellow thread, stand 3Ch, [F+E+3 treble crochet], [3 treble crochet + E + F], 3CH (pull down) stand 3Ch and repeat 10 times in sequence. Tie a knot: crochet an appropriate length of braid.